Flying? Lots of Stuff to Take?

>> Friday, July 20, 2007

I actually included this tip in another post but I think it deserves it's own.

With so many restrictions on baggage weights and items that you can take this tip is more handy than ever:

When we flew to Ireland we had lots of stuff that was necessary for our trip that I just wasn't sure we could easily (or afford-ably) find in Ireland. So I contacted our first B&B to inquire about sending a box of items. It arrived a few days before we did and was waiting for us.

What did I send?

  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Reusable/disposable baby plates and bowls with sealable lids, disposable sippy cups and disposable utensils
  • Dried fruits, baby snacks and scissors for cutting them up

All of these items were used during our trip and didn't need to come back with us. It also gave us a box to use for bringing home the goodies we purchased.


  • Be sure to call ahead and inquire before sending a package.
  • Pay to confirm delivery of your package and call to check on it's arrival. If you are sending it to a hotel be sure to get the full names of the people you speak to. Try to always speak to the same person.
  • Do not send anything you can not replace at a reasonable cost. Why tempt fate?


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